The Story of a 41 Year Old Lady by Sarbjit

What I have achieved. My confidence and self-esteem have multiplied. I have learned to love and to be kind to myself. I was nervous about taking a leap into the unknown. I lacked confidence and felt I didn’t have the capability to walk alone as I thought what my family and my neighbours would say when they see me outside alone.  

One cold day last year, when we first went into lockdown, I decided in the early morning to go for a walk. As I walked in the green meadows, I heard the birds chirping and the flowers saying, “Please look at me”. I can only say how wonderful I felt to see the things Mother Nature had provided for me. 

The sun smiling, the coolness of the air touching my face and body. The blue water flowing in the stream and Mother Nature providing her beautiful colours of green grass, red tulips and yellow daffodils around me. I began to love and respect myself as I felt so wonderful with my connection with Earth, Sun, Water and Air.

It has been a year my confidence and self-esteem is so strong that I have not looked back. I have only looked into the future. This is my story, what I have achieved as a woman. I am a Woman, Mother, Wife, Daughter and a Sister and I am very proud to be a woman.