Hopes for
the Future

For the planet, we need more parks 

My name is Nathan and I want to tell you why I like parks. I’m 13 and starting to be interested in the climate change emergency. I think older generations have let us down, although I don’t think many people would have known what a mess we would get into, and my generation will change it.

I think that parks are important, as you can breathe fresh air and exercise. Some people have never been to a park, and don’t know how good they are, or how much there is to do. We go for walks all the time, and my mum and dad are always saying hello to people they don’t even know. The more people that use parks and talk about them, the faster the messages spread which makes everyone want to go. Only the good ones though, no-one wants to go to the ones with broken goal posts and old playgrounds.

Parks also break up all the buildings. Birmingham would be boring if it was all houses, flats, factories and offices, we have lots of green and it makes the everything looks nicer, and the trees put more oxygen into the air which is good.

I would like there to be more parks in the future. They don’t have to be big, little parks near where people live, are good as well. They need to be fun though. Some parks are all flower beds, and that’s no good for children, make them interesting. Parks need to be for everyone so keep the flower beds for some old people to look at and have adventure trails where you can get muddy for little children.