For me, it was Fuji

When you sit back and take stock
At the human story and mother nature’s clock
We arrived here at half past one
And within a minute it’s nearly done!
To halt the doom
We must make room
In our minds
To be kind
To turn the tide
And prevent the slide
And how do you do this?
Step outside, right into mother nature’s bliss
For me, it was Fuji
Four friends together
Weathering the treacherous weather

Up we climbed! From station one
First a canter, then a competitive run
As it approached the time for dinner
We noticed the air become unnervingly thinner
But this was part of nature’s thrill
Each breath to be enjoyed with expert skill
At the summit
All was still
The crowds waited for the ritual crack
The crack of dawn
That luminescent yolk became apparent
It was the Earth’s single parent
It’s yellow rays
The difference between night and day
Spilled onto the skyline

Allowing me time
Recharge, and recalibrate
And analyse my internal state
Reorder and give weight
To this special moment with my dearest mates
And this is the beauty of all that is green
It gives you a warm, fuzzy and numinous feeling
You don’t need Fuji, it was just an example
To help you transcend these four walls
And as we get to a quarter to two
Hopefully we will realise that the planet is beyond me and you.