Bringing Nature to School

My name is Dot and I am a classroom teacher. At my school, we have very limited green spaces because what was available had been used to build more classrooms when the school expanded from a 1-form entry to a 2-form entry. 

We needed to create green spaces for the children to enjoy so I formed an eco-school club with representation from every class in school and responsible for introducing plants into our school environment.

Working with the members of the eco-club that had been elected by their classmates annually, I initially got them to choose potted flowers for their classes that will be maintained by the children in the first year of starting the club, then we got an allotment space for growing flowers and vegetables but we could not afford to spare the staff to accompany and supervise the children at every visit.

Subsequently, we found a little space in school and transformed it into a prayer garden where the children take turns to look after the potted plants in which they grow flowers. The children have also grown potatoes in bags filled with compost as well as a variety of vegetables.

I am currently working in partnership with Nature Friendly Schools to en courage outdoor learning where the children leave the classroom and take lessons outside where they are surrounded by nature and learn more about nature.