
Pype Hayes is my place 

Pype Hayes Park is there all year round but comes alive once a year for Bonfire Night, people come from all over Birmingham to watch the display. Greeted by friendly stewards at the park’s entrance you can smell the fire blazing with a hint of hotdogs and burgers cooking and popcorn popping! 

Our local park transformed into a winter wonderland with something for teenagers, families, children and more. Acres of land decorated with lights, stalls and rides. As the sun sets a ginormous bonfire blazes high, flickering high into the sky lays the backdrop for the stage show and DJ spinning crowd favourites before the infamous annual countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7... 3,2,1 and the skies are ablaze! 

My favourite time of the evening red, yellow, and green fireworks shoot across the sky! Blues, oranges and white lights fly, audiences cheer and clap as the music and pyrotechnics tell stories in the air. Meanwhile, young children faces-alight with glee whilst waving their sparklers, imitating the bigger display. 

Events like this bring the community together, supporting community cohesion which I believe is vital for young people and the next generation, by coming together annually we are continuing famous traditions but also starting our own which is so exciting! 

Throughout the rest of the year, Pype Hayes Park keeps me fit. Daily jogs and group workouts have kept me and my friends sane throughout the pandemic, especially whilst the gyms were closed. We relied on the park and each other to motivate us to keep moving and to keep fit. Circuits, body weight work outs and race son the green grass, down to Plants Brook, back up to Pype Hayes Hall and around the gardens. 

Without this release I would have struggled through this pandemic. Instead, I was able to use my local park to transform my body and my mind, physically and mentally. I have been able to push myself beyond limits like never before! 200 burpees on the car park or 1,000 low lunges around the hall, Pype Hayes keeps us fit and the brotherhood strong! Next on the list - bike rides!